What is our Alternative Dispute Resolution Process?

.ie policies
by Andrew Connolly
10 Jan 2020

EOLAS Magazine - January 2020

We introduced a new dispute resolution process for contested domains in July 2019. This new process has been built on core principles: fair play and a fair hearing, the use of industry best practice, a right of appeal and an independent, neutral service provider, explains our CEO, David Curtin.

From time to time, disputes arise in relation to domain registrations. There have always been formal processes for managing disputes in relation to .ie domain name registration. The two options were to initiate formal legal proceedings or to engage with the World Intellectual Property Organisation (WIPO), which mediates global domain name disputes. Both can be costly and time-consuming.

Our new Alternative Dispute Resolution Process, introduced following a policy development process by stakeholders within its Policy Advisory Committee, now gives individuals and organisations, particularly SMEs, an easier, faster and more affordable way to dispute the registration or the use of a .ie domain.

Read the full article here.

Further reading: Visit our Alternative Dispute Resolution Process page.

David Curtin/image for dispute resolution

Seán Buckley is our Marketing Intern working within our corporate communications team.