What is a .ie?

Domain names

All computers connected to the Internet have unique numerical addresses to make sure that information is delivered to the right place. The domain name system (DNS) changes these numerical addresses of computers into user-friendly domain names to make it easier to find the information you are looking for on the Internet. In the same way in which “Ireland” as a postal address and the “353” phone prefix show where you are located, the Internet address of .ie lets people know that you are based in, or from, Ireland.

Domain names identify particular web pages. For example, in the website address www.weare.ie the domain name is weare.ie. Domain names are also used in e-mail addresses, such as firstname.lastname@weare.ie.  Domain names are unique so no two websites can have the same one.

What characters can be used in a domain name?

The characters which can be used in a domain name are the 26 letters (A-Z) of the Roman alphabet whether upper or lower-case, the 10 digits (0-9) and the hyphen (-). The hyphen may not be used as the first or last character of a domain. A domain can be just one letter or number, for example, www.g.ie or as long as 63 characters. Shorter domain names are more popular and are easier to remember.

Benefits of a .ie

Unlock the power of the internet with a trusted Irish .ie online identity.

It’s unique to Ireland

The official Internet country code for Ireland is .ie and is the only online address that is Irish. A .ie tells the global community that you are Irish and tells the Irish community that you are local. You can even register an Irish language name if required, fadas and all.

It’s more likely to be available

There is a wider choice of available .ie  domain names compared to .com, as significantly more of those names are already registered.

It lets your customers find you online

.ie addresses rank higher than .com addresses on Irish based search engines like Google.ie. Irish consumers are more likely to click on local website addresses.

It’s trusted

Every .ie applicant’s identity is checked and validated at the point of registration. Consumers will have confidence in your business as .ie is a well-established and trusted domain. 79% of Irish consumers prefer a .ie website when buying online, instead of a .com.1

It’s the preferred online address for business in Ireland

91% of Irish consumers associate .ie websites with Irish businesses over other websites like .com.1  The .ie domain accounts for the majority of hosted domains in Ireland.2

It protects your brand

Securing your .ie online address strengthens your brand and protects your online identity. All .ie domains are registered on a first-come, first-served basis.

1.ie Consumer Trust 2023

2.ie Domain Profile Report

Why would I have anything else apart from a .ie address since I make my product here (in Ireland)
Christina Sanne, designer and founder of Red Rufus handmade sock toys, www.redrufus.ie

Using your .ie

If you are a business, a .ie online address enables you to reach out to local and international audiences, and sell your products and services online 24/7.

If you are an individual, a .ie online address is your own personal online brand and allows you to take control of your digital identity.

Read more about using your .ie to set up a website and a professional email address.

Get your .ie online address
Looking for a great domain name? See if it’s available.


The domain name system (DNS) is used at the beginning of almost every instance of network communication. While the operators of the DNS fulfill many different functions, the core function of the DNS is to provide a directory service. When one enters an address or URL in a browser such as www.gov.ie, the DNS lets the computer know where the information is by referring to the relevant IP address. The DNS has a hierarchical structure in which the apex is known as the root domain or dot (“.”). The Root Zone holds the delegation pointers to Internet protocol numbers for the top-level domains such as .ie, .uk, .fr, .com & .org etc. These top level domains hold the delegation pointers for the second level domain names such as boi.ie, gov.ie or adidas.com.

All computers connected to the Internet have unique numerical addresses to make sure that information gets to the right place. The domain name system (DNS) changes these numerical addresses into text based domain names to make it easier to find the information you are looking for. The Internet address .ie lets people know that your website is in, from, or related to Ireland. Domain names identify particular web pages. For example, in the web site address http://www.why.ie the domain name is why.ie. Domain names are also used in e-mail addresses, firstname.lastname@why.ie

We recommend that you register your domain name through one of our Accredited Registrars. Registrars will help you to register your domain name and they will usually provide related services, such as the hosting of your website and email services. To make the registration process straightforward, we recommend that you visit our How to register a .ie domain page. Here you can see what supporting information you need to submit with your application.

Registrations are provided on a first come first served basis once the applicant has provided a connection to Ireland and proof of identity. It is the responsibility of every registrant to ensure that they are not in violation of existing trademarks or intellectual property.

Domain names can only use letters, numbers, the fada character (acute accent) and hyphens (“-“). Spaces and other symbols are not permitted for use. Names cannot begin or end with a hyphen and are not case sensitive. Domains cannot exceed 63 characters.