Blog | Wellness Matters: Inspiring Change in the Workplace

European Commission
by Melissa Nangle
05 Sep 2024


At .ie, we prioritise staff wellness, recognising that “wellness matters”. Our holistic approach to wellness encompasses mind, body and business; inspiring and driving positive change in our workplace.

Healthy, happy, and engaged employees perform better, a fact demonstrated by our revamped corporate wellness programme, which our team has eagerly embraced.

By creating a strategy that integrates health and well-being, we lay the groundwork for embedding wellness into our company culture. We have successfully launched a corporate wellness programme that champions this comprehensive approach, defining what wellness means for us, our objectives, and most importantly, involving our team in this process. By understanding that every individuals needs vary, we engage in a continuous cycle of assessment and feedback.

Our corporate wellness programme reflects our commitment to fostering a supportive, safe, and positive work environment, prioritising the well-being of every team member. It aims to enhance physical, emotional, interpersonal and intellectual quality of life, underscored by our diverse wellness initiatives.

Who does not enjoy activities like a wellness treasure hunt, some delicious healthy recipes, a coffee connoisseur challenge, or a lovely stroll with ice-cream along Dun Laoghaire pier? And we cannot forget to mention bingo, a staple favourite amongst the team. These are just a few of the activities brainstormed, conceptualised, and organised by our Mental Health Champions for our June wellness calendar. This calendar is something that the team looks forward to virtually unwrapping each quarter to discover a delightful array of wellness treats, games, and helpful tips within.

Tips for Maintaining Wellness in the Workplace

Here are some quick and useful tips for maintaining wellness in the workplace:

Ergonomic workstations

Invest in ergonomic chairs and conduct workstation assessments to ensure all employees have a healthy and safe work environment, whether in-office or remote. Ergonomic setups are designed to reduce strain on the body, minimising the risk of musculoskeletal disorders (MSDs) like carpal tunnel syndrome or lower back pain. For example, a chair that supports the lumbar region can alleviate pressure on the spine. Properly adjusted desks and chairs enhance comfort, allowing employees to focus better on their tasks. Productivity is also boosted by ergonomic interventions due to reduced discomfort and better concentration. Investing in ergonomics can also lead to fewer work-related injuries, reducing absenteeism and the associated costs of hiring temporary replacements.

Ergonomic workstations not only promote health and well-being but also contribute to a more engaged and productive workforce.

Providing ergonomic workstations clearly signals that a company values its employees’ health and well-being. This can boost morale and job satisfaction, leading to higher levels of engagement and loyalty.

Regular breaks

Encourage staff to take breaks, implement a “right to disconnect” policy and address presenteeism proactively. Suggest using break time to stretch, hydrate, or even try the Pomodoro Technique — working for 25 minutes followed by a 5-minute break. Promoting regular breaks contributes to a healthier and engaged team. Short breaks can boost focus and concentration and help decrease stress levels. A quick walk or a few minutes of deep breathing can clear the mind and reduce anxiety, making employees more resilient when faced with challenges. Taking regular breaks can foster informal interactions among staff, strengthening relationships and enhancing teamwork, which can lead to a more collaborative work environment. It is also important from a physical health perspective, helping to combat the adverse affects of prolonged sitting, such as back pain and poor circulation.

Healthy eating

Stock your office with healthy snacks like fruits and cereals. A balanced diet rich in nutrients, fuels energy levels and cognitive function, allowing employees to perform better at work. Healthy eating can lower the risk of chronic diseases, such as obesity and diabetes, which can lead to fewer sick days. When employees feel supported in their health choices, they often report higher job satisfaction, and their mood and morale naturally improve. Perhaps you could consider organising a “healthy snack swap” among colleagues? Or one of our favourites is to organise an “International Cuisine Day” celebrating our diverse team of over ten nationalities – it is a dining delight!

Mental health awareness

Develop a suite of mental health policies and an Employee Assistance programme, where you can signpost staff to appropriate mental health resources. You should also consider providing mental health training to all staff and establishing a team of mental health champions. Mental health champions are important in a multitude of ways, such as peer support, awareness, education, resource navigation, feedback loop, and role modelling. Raising awareness helps to normalise conversations around mental health and reduces stigma. It fosters a supportive culture, encouraging empathy, understanding among colleagues and improving teamwork and collaboration. Awareness programmes and mental health policies can equip employees with tools to manage stress, anxietyand other mental health issues. It is widely recognised that companies that prioritise mental health awareness often see higher employee retention. Employees are more likely to stay with organisations that support their mental well-being, reducing hiring costs and retaining valuable talent. Promoting mental health awareness creates a healthier work environment, leading to happier employees and a more productive workplace.

Physical fitness

Promote walking meetings, walking activities during lunch or quick workouts during lunch by incorporating digital gym sessions, if you run or have access to a corporate health scheme with health providers such as Laya Healthcare. Employees who exercise regularly are likely to have greater mental clarity and a more positive outlook, all of which contribute to higher moral and productivity. Encouraging physical fitness as part of a wellness strategy helps employees integrate healthy routines into their daily lives. This supports a better work-life balance, as employees learn to prioritise their health alongside their work responsibilities.

Social connections

Foster a supportive work environment through team-building activities, lunch outings, and casual catch-up sessions to strengthen relationships. Social connections at work are vital for reducing feelings of loneliness and isolation because they foster a sense of belonging and community. When colleagues develop friendships, it creates a support network where they can share experiences, seek advice and celebrate achievements together. Participating in team-building activities can strengthen these bonds, making team members feel more connected. Additionally, having casual conversations during breaks or collaborating on projects can enhance feelings of camaraderie, reducing the emotional distance that may lead to isolation. These connections can improve mental well-being and job satisfaction, as they provide emotional support during stressful times and create a more inclusive workplace culture. In essence, strong social ties at work can transform the work environment into a more engaging and supportive space, significantly mitigating feelings of loneliness or disconnection.


Wellness inspires and drives change in a workplace. Implementing a corporate wellness strategy brings tangible benefits for all and a return on investment. Understanding the intersection between wellness economics and the current landscape of working life is key to “Winning through well-being.”

As part of our wellness journey, we are proud to have been awarded the KeepWell Mark from Ibec, an evidence-based accreditation that underscores .ie’s commitment to wellness through best practice policies and processes reflecting a proactive approach to fostering a supportive and healthy work environment.

At .ie we understand that it is not enough to simply have a wellness programme in place, we are embedding wellness into the very fabric of our organisation.


End of blog. 

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