Bob Semple has more than 45 years’ business experience working as an accountant, auditor and consultant. For 36 years, he worked in PricewaterhouseCoopers where, most recently, he was partner responsible for governance and risk management services. Previously he led the IT Security and Forensic Services teams.
He now works as a director and as an independent consultant, specialising in governance and board effectiveness reviews. He is currently Chair of the Audit Committee of the Commission for Regulation of Utilities, Ireland’s energy and water regulator and is a Chair and Director of two private family-run business. Former positions include board responsibilities in North America, Ireland and mainland Europe. He lectures on board effectiveness in the Corporate Governance Institute and is a member of their Governance Advisory Council.
Bob is a science graduate, a Chartered Accountant, a Chartered Director and a Certified Psychometric Evaluator. He is a Fellow of the Irish Computer Society, Chartered Accountants Ireland and The Chartered Governance Institute.