In 2019 we set-up our “green committee” with the aim of working together to come up with green initiatives to reduce and manage our carbon emissions. From this, Project Glás was created.
Our vision for Project Glás was to spread awareness, baseline our current carbon footprint and to work towards reducing and offsetting that same footprint, through our actions and decisions, both big and small on a day to day basis.
Our goal was and continues to be, to educate and support everyone within the company to enable us as a team and individually to become greener in our actions and decisions. The Project Glás team is made up of staff and management volunteers. It meets regularly to ensure decisions are implemented. Check back for further updates.
Go Carbon Neutral 2020
Through our research, we came across the “Go Carbon Neutral 2020” initiative, and from that have formed a partnership with other companies and Forestry Partners.
The aim of this campaign is to work with other companies to “Fight Climate Change with Native Irish Woodland Creation”. Offsetting our carbon emissions by planting forestry and thereby becoming carbon neutral from 2020.

UN Strategic Development Goals
This initiative also aligns with seven of the seventeen UN Strategic Development Goals – specifically:
Goal 3: Good Health and Well-being
Goal 6: Clean Water and Sanitation
Goal 8: Decent Work and Economic Growth
Goal 11: Sustainable Cities and Communities
Goal 13: Climate Action
Goal 14: Life Below Water
Goal 15: Life on Land

We are committed to achieving a positive impact on society, to being pro-active in terms of our Corporate Social Responsibility and working with leading industry figures alongside climate, forestry and biodiversity experts as part of the “Go Carbon Neutral Campaign”.
We believe that by working together we can make a significant contribution to improving Ireland’s climate change plan and the objectives agreed and undertaken by us and the other UN Nations in the 2015 Paris Agreement, through the creation of large areas of new native woodlands, thereby:
- Capturing carbon dioxide from the atmosphere
- Protecting and restoring native Irish woodlands
- Fostering biodiversity and creation of vital wildlife habitats