Registrar Area

This area is for our .ie accredited Registrars


*.ie Domain Profile Report 2023*

We are delighted to publish the .ie Domain Profile Report 2023. 48,689 new .ie domains were registered in 2023 showing that new registrations are back at pre-pandemic levels. There were 328245 .ie domains in the database at the end of 2023, a 0.31% decrease on 2022. It is concerning to see that the percentage of non-renewals increased slightly to 15% (from 14.8% in 2022). This resulted in a small net reduction to the database (328,245 vs 329,265 in 2022).

The report addresses key topics including cyber crime and online fraud. In our EU cyber regulations chapter, we look at the implications for Ireland’s digital services sector in the light of the impending NIS2 regulation.

The chapter on Covid period domain registrations – where are they now shows that almost 50% of domains created in that period are still actively used.

In our Analysis of .ie domain ecosystem chapter we examine domain usage, keyword usage in new registrations, .ie website categorisation and the .ie market .

*All documents are under embargo until 00.01 am, 25 January 2024*

.ie Domain Profile Report 2023 – Full Report
.ie Domain Profile Report 2023 – Key Facts
Key Facts Download Now
.ie Domain Profile Report 2023 – Press Release
Press Release Download Now
.IE Domain Profile Report 2022 – Full Report
.IE Domain Profile Report 2022 – Key Facts
Key Facts Download Now
.IE Domain Profile Report 2022 – Press Release
Press Release Download Now
.IE Domain Profile Report 2022 – Additional Graphics
Additional Graphics Download Now

.IE Domain Profile Report H1 2022

We are delighted to publish the .IE Domain Profile Report H1 2022. Clicks and mortar businesses are here to stay as .ie database grows overall by 2.6% year-on-year.

25,539 new .ie domains were registered in first half of year with new registrations returning to pre-pandemic levels. A small decrease of 3.5% was seen H1 2022 vs H1 2019.

In the report we take a closer look at the steps taken to keep the .ie namespace as safe as possible. Then in our Analysis of .ie domain ecosystem chapter, we also look at domain keywords, domain usage and .ie website categorisation.

.IE Domain Profile Report H1 2022 – Full Report
.IE Domain Profile Report H1 2022 – Key Facts
Key Facts Download Now
.IE Domain Profile Report H1 2022 – Press Release
Press Release Download Now
.IE Domain Profile Report H1 2022 – Additional Graphics
Additional Graphics Download Now

.IE Tipping Point Report 2022

We are delighted to publish the .IE Tipping Point Report 2022, Irish e-commerce and digital business in the post-Covid era in partnership with Digital Business Ireland. This is the third and final part of a trilogy of research that has examined consumer and SME attitudes and adaptations to the pandemic over the past two years.

Our research demonstrates that a tipping point has indeed been passed. This report shows that consumers have fully embraced the convenience of online shopping; in response, most SMEs have been forced to adapt, digitally and increasingly attitudinally, transforming their static brochure websites into e-commerce hubs and planning investment in their online stores.

.IE Tipping Point Report 2022
Full Report Download Now
.IE Tipping Point Report 2022 - Key Findings
Key Findings Download Now
.IE Tipping Point Report 2022 - Insights
.IE Tipping Point Report 2022 - Press Release
Press Release Download Now
.IE Tipping Point Report 2022 - Additional Graphics JPEGs
Additional Graphics JPEGS Download Now

.IE Domain Profile Report 2021

We are delighted to publish the .IE Domain Profile Report 2021. Ireland’s digital economy continues to grow with new .ie domain registrations increasing 24% in 2021 compared to pre-pandemic 2019.

62,198 new .ie domains were registered in 2021 with January-June the best half-year period on record. As of 31 December 2021, the total .ie database stood at 330,108 domains, a 6.5% increase on 2020.

In our Analysis of .ie domain ecosystem chapter we also look at domain and CMS usage, security features and .ie website categorisation.

Also included in the documents below are some county heat maps which might be of interest:

  • % growth in new .ie registrations
  • .ie domains per 1,000 pop – new registrations
  • .ie domains per 1,000 pop – database
.IE Domain Profile Report 2021 Full Report
.IE Domain Profile Report 2021 Key Facts
Key Facts Download Now
.IE Domain Profile Report 2021 Timeline of new .ie registrations
Timeline of new .ie registrations Download Now
.IE Domain Profile Report 2021 Press Release
Press Release Download Now
.IE Domain Profile Report 2021 Heat Map - Growth in New Registrations
% growth in new .ie registrations Download Now
.IE Domain Profile Report 2021 Heat Map - Domains per 1,000 pop (new registrations)
Domains per 1,000 pop (new registrations) Download Now
.IE Domain Profile Report 2021 Heat Map - Domains per 1,000 pop (database)
Domains per 1,000 pop (database) Download Now
.IE Domain Profile Report 2021 Additional Graphics
Additional Graphics Download Now

.IE Tipping Point Report 2021

We are delighted to publish the .IE Tipping Point Report 2021: Irish e-commerce and digital business in the Covid vaccine era in partnership with Digital Business Ireland. This is the second in a series of reports analysing consumer and SME behaviour and attitudes since the pandemic.

The research demonstrates that consumers are spending more online and those SMEs that invest in their online presence are rewarded. The pandemic is acting as a digital accelerant. Hopefully, the insights will be of assistance as you target potential customers with your services.

.IE Tipping Point Report 2021
Full Report Download Now
.IE Tipping Point Report 2021 - Key Findings
Key Findings Download Now
.IE Tipping Point Report 2021 - Insights
.IE Tipping Point Report 2021 - Press Release
Press Release Download Now
.IE Tipping Point Report 2021 - Additional Graphics JPEGs
Additional Graphics JPEGs Download Now

Annual Report 2019

We are delighted to provide you with a press release and a copy of our Annual Report & Review 2019, available for download below.

We would like to take this opportunity to thank the accredited Registrar community for their marketing and promotional activity in 2019. This activity supported the continued growth in domain registrations in 2019.

Annual Report 2019
Annual Report & Review 2019 Download Now
Annual Report 2019 - Press Release
Annual Report & Review 2019 Download Now

Graphics and Logos

.IE Graphics

We developed a suite of graphics promoting .ie and website use that might be useful for you in your customer communications.

.IE graphics
.IE graphics

.IE Accredited Registrar Logo

.IE accredited Registrar logo
.ie accredited Registrar logo
.IE accredited Registrar logo
.ie accredited Registrar logo
.IE Accredited Registrar Logo Guidelines
.IE Accredited Registrar Logo Guidelines PNG - Download Now

If you require an EPS file, please email

.IE Logo Suite

.IE logo suite
.IE logo suite Download Now


Domain Status Tools – Fair Use

We are giving Registrars some new tools to manage .ie domains within TITAN. These new tools include the domain status tools, which enable the Registrar managing a .ie domain to prevent certain actions or events from happening. These tools are made available to Registrars subject to certain Fair Use restrictions. The fair use rules can be downloaded below.

Fair Use Rules
Fair Use Rules Download Now

Registrar Tutorials

Registering a .ie domain

Add funds to your Registrar account

Export your transaction details

Export a list of domains under management

Delete a domain

Submit a Registrar transfer