Mícheál Ó Gruagáin
Senior Product Manager & Head of Ecommerce Product, AIMS.
Mícheál Ó Gruagáin has been with AIBMS for 10 years and is a Senior Product Manager for AIB Merchant Services (AIBMS) and Head of the Ecommerce Product with AIBMS. With 19 Years of experience in Ecommerce from Agency, Client and Provider standpoints Mícheál has seen ecommerce from all sides and through its many changes. Supporting Irish Ecommerce trading associations like The Irish Internet Association, The Ecommerce Association of Ireland, Retail Excellence Ireland and Digital Business Ireland, Mícheál has been a keen advocate for the native Ecommerce trading community in Ireland for over a decade.
Supporting Merchants from the S in SME all the way up to International Corporations, Mícheál provides a viewpoint that allows all to see the opportunities that are available in trading electronically and at a distance.

AIB Merchant services has always had support for upcoming Irish businesses and those ‘starting local but thinking global’ and has developed expertise , tools and supports designed to help those wishing to trade better with their neighbours and those who come to Ireland to trade or to visit.
AIBMS’ Support for the Digital Town awards is a source of great pride for the organisation and the opportunity to provide expertise to the judging panel is a big part of that.