The rules for registering .ie domain names were changed on 21 March 2018. This change removed the need to explain why you want a particular name (also called ‘claim to the name’) when registering a .ie domain name. This made the registration process easier and faster.
Previously, an applicant registering a .ie domain had to prove they had a valid claim to the desired domain and a real, tangible connection to the island of Ireland. Those registering a .ie domain still have to prove their connection to Ireland but no longer need to explain their claim to a name
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Frequently asked questions

What’s changed?
The need to show a ‘claim to the name’ when registering a new .ie domain was removed from 21 March 2018.
Applicants still need to prove their real connection to the island of Ireland, and their identity, when applying for a .ie domain.

Why have the rules changed?
- We wanted to grow .ie, especially with Irish Small Office/Home Office/Micro businesses.
- We wanted to remove the ‘claim’ requirement, as applicants can’t prove future ‘claims’ (e.g. new start-up businesses who want a web presence before setting up a physical presence).
- We wanted to make it easier and faster for those with real Irish connections to get a .ie.
- We wanted to remove restrictions on domains that reflect a person’s name, nickname, pen name.
What hasn’t changed?
What happens if someone takes my name?
Disputes are handled using the IE Dispute Resolution Policy, supported by the provisions of the legal Terms of Service, and the IE Registration & Naming Policy.
The Policy Advisory Committee is also reviewing the introduction of an Alternative Dispute Resolution Process. The objective is to evaluate options for a faster and more affordable way to dispute .ie domain registrations.
When did this change happen?
The need to show a ‘claim to a .ie domain name’ was removed from 21 March 2018.
This followed an extensive review of the policy change proposal in line with the 10-step .ie Policy Development Process, and a favourable response from the public for the change. The multi-stakeholder Policy Advisory Committee formally recommended the introduction of this change to the .IE Board of Directors, which approved the change in November 2017.
The progress of this policy change proposal is detailed in the Minutes from .IE Policy Advisory Committee’s meetings.
Want to register a domain?
Contact any of our Accredited .ie Registrars to apply.