Internet Day 2016
We welcomed a host of talks from digital disruptors to the Round Room in Dublin’s Mansion House.
In October 2016, leading Irish and international SMEs, as well as industry representatives and professionals, converged at the in Dublin for an inspiring half-day SME seminar to celebrate Ireland’s second annual Internet Day.
Speakers included;

Emma Sinclair, MBE, co-founder of EnterpriseJungle
Allister Frost, award winning chartered marketer and former Head of Digital Marketing at Microsoft
Sïmon Saneback, an award winning Swedish entrepreneur and e-commerce expert
Jorij Abraham, an e-commerce manager for retail, travel and media companies, now Director of Research at E-commerce Europe
Our panellists included a number of successful Irish digital companies, who shared their insights and tips for success about how they could take “a bigger byte of the digital marketplace.”