Find or change your Registrar
Accredited .ie Registrars are companies, organisations or individuals who have proven knowledge and expertise in managing .ie domains on behalf of you, the customer.
Find your Registrar
If you have registered a .ie domain name and you want to find out who your Registrar is, you can do so by entering your domain name into the .ie WHOIS search below.
The .ie WHOIS search provides information, such as the date you registered your domain, the date your domain is due for renewal and who your Registrar is, when you click on ‘View Full WHOIS Information’.
Change your Registrar
We understand that needs can change – and that you might want to move from one Registrar to another.
To transfer your domain name to a new Registrar, you will need an authorisation code (Authcode). The Authcode is a unique randomly generated code, assigned to your domain name, which is used to securely authorise the transfer.
Customers can request an Authcode from:
- Your current Registrar
- Our Registration Services Team– the team will generate the code on your behalf. The Authcode will be sent directly to the email address of the Registrant Contact and Administrative Contact on the domain name. Please note we will not give out Authcodes by phone.
A renewal payment for the domain is required when transferring your domain to a new Registrar. If your domain is not due for renewal when you transfer, this will renew the domain in advance.
Once you receive the Authcode please provide it to your new .ie accredited Registrar who will complete the transfer for you.
To transfer your domain name to a new registrar, you will need an authorisation code (Authcode). The Authcode is a unique randomly generated code, assigned to your domain name, which is used to securely authorise your transfer. Once you have your Authcode please give it to your new registrar who will complete the transfer for you.