Digital Trends in Ireland
Ireland’s digital habits are revealed in our national consumer survey conducted amongst 1,000 people.
The Digital Trends in Ireland 2018 research reveals Ireland’s attitudes to and use of internet technology, our online shopping habits, and the digital behavioural divides between Dublin and Ireland’s regional towns.
The survey, conducted by Core Research among 1,000 people, was published to mark Internet Day 2018, a celebration of the internet and its contribution to society and the economy, hosted annually by us.
Key findings
- There are four internet-enabled devices in every Irish household.
- 6 in 10 people have used an emerging digital technology, like mobile payments, augmented reality, a digital assistant, a smart appliance, or a virtual address service (like Parcel Motel).
- 20% of people spend more than five hours a day on the internet.
- Almost two-thirds (63%) buy consumer items (like clothes and electronics) online at least monthly. Almost half (49%) order food online at least monthly.
- 1 in 10 have purchased cryptocurrency, like Bitcoin, at least once.
- Despite the prevalence of Tinder and Bumble, 83% say they have never engaged in online dating.
- 46% of Dubliners track their health data online, compared to 33% of people outside the capital.
- 35% said the internet has connected them with new friends, 12% said it has helped them become less introverted, and 9% said that the internet has helped them find love.
- Almost 2 in 10 people work remotely from home at least once per month and over 4 in 10 say that they can’t, because their presence is required in the office.

Ireland’s internet economy
Irish citizens use the internet to stay connected with friends and family, and to buy goods and services. However, our survey shows that most Irish businesses, particularly those in regional towns, are not keeping up.
The vast majority of Irish consumers (68%) believe that their local main street is not equipped for the digital age. When asked why, 40% said that their local shops are not online. 22% said that booking appointments or reservations online are not a priority for their local community. In areas outside of Dublin, 19% said their local town’s internet quality was too poor to facilitate e-commerce.

65% said they would buy more from their local shops, if those shops had some form of click-and-collect service, which allowed them to order a product online and pick it up in store.

In total, 46% of people can’t book appointments online for services in their local town. This figure drops to just a third (33%) in Dublin, but rises to more than half (51%) in areas outside the capital.

Hairdressers are the most likely to offer online booking (29% in total), while handymen and mechanics are the least likely (both 12%).