.ie Digital Town Blueprint Case Studies

Here is a selection of digital case studies with project descriptions and funding sources

Blueprint Case Study | Wild Atlantic Way ‘Digital Points’

by Ryan Levis
06 Apr 2024

Wild Atlantic Way ‘Digital Points’

Funded by DRCD Digital Innovation Fund 2018
Funding awarded: €32,000

Contact details:
Kerry County Council
E: info@kerrycoco.ie
P: 066/7183500

Who: Kerry County Council 

The Wild Atlantic Way is a tourism trail along the west coast of Ireland in County Kerry. The route is acclaimed for its breathtaking Atlantic ocean vistas and memorable places to visit.  This project introduces digital tools to better navigate the route to enhance the tourism experience and attract a greater number of visitors. With this initiative, Kerry County Council will improve the overall tourism experience in Kerry.

Objectives to:

  • Map the area on a user-friendly and accessible digital platform
  • Establish and create a greater number of digital points for tourists to access information about the site(s) they visit
  • Digitally enhance the tourist experience
  • Introduce innovative use of digital technology to bring real, sustainable benefits to local communities

What: This project features interactive digital mapping on different signs along the Wild Atlantic Way. The signs have visible QR codes or iTags that connect to an interactive platform with information, facts, activities, and amenities specific to the local area and points of discovery. The best sights to visit on the route, such as Blasket’s View, are known as Discovery Points.

Why: Facilitated by a downloadable digital app – ‘The Atlantic Discovery App’, the map offers insights and information from a local or community perspective, presenting a comprehensive view of value to tourists visiting the area. Minimising the use of paper maps or disposable materials, tourists can explore this spectacular landscape more sustainably. 

Scale: Wild Atlantic Way coastline in County Kerry 

Technologies: Mobile responsive map-based platform with QR codes and iTag software technology. The app is available to download to visitors’ digital devices including phone, tablet and laptop. 

UN Sustainable Development Goals: