.ie Digital Town Blueprint Case Studies

Here is a selection of digital case studies with project descriptions and funding sources

Blueprint Case Study | Telecommunications Survey – Co. Mayo

by Ryan Levis
06 Mar 2024

Telecommunications Survey  – Co. Mayo 

Funded by DRCD Digital Innovation Programme 2018
Funding awarded: €16,244

Contact details:
Danny O’Toole
E: broadbandofficer@mayococo.ie
P: (094) 906 4000

Who: Mayo County Council 

County Mayo has benefited from strategic investment across a range of telecommunications projects in the last five years. This project sought to create  a central digitised survey record of the location of telecommunication assets. The survey acts as a map to better plan for broadband rollout and high-speed internet delivery, especially for intervention areas (IAs) as identified by the Irish government.  

Objectives to:

  • Digitise all telecommunication ducting infrastructure 
  • Enable these assets to be maintained by a central authority 
  • Create a report based on survey information to better support the Department of Rural and Community Development in creating ducting infrastructure 

What: The project goal is to survey telecommunication infrastructure and supply a corresponding report of utility to operationalising broadband rollout. Information aided by Geographic Information System mapping (GIS mapping) will better inform the national broadband plan (and other telco or industry entities).

Why: Surveys are an important part of mapping out where best to plan for broadband roll out.  National Broadband Plan rollout has gathered pace facilitated by similar surveys. In Mayo, an improved telecommunication infrastructure will benefit every home, farm and business. What’s more it will enable e-learning, remote monitoring of equipment, e-health initiatives, better energy efficiency in the home, and facilitate increased levels of remote working. Improved broadband service is essential for communities and businesses to reimagine how they work and live, enable economic growth, and make modern lifestyle choices. 

Scale: Mayo County Council (with the expectation of sharing the survey information to support other counties in Ireland). 

Technologies: Ducting Infrastructure 

Impact and Lessons Learned: N/A.  

UN Sustainable Development Goals: