.IE Tipping Point Report 2021
Despite the pandemic and its restrictions, overall consumer spending has held up, decreasing in some areas but increasing elsewhere, such as online retail. The 2021 .IE Tipping Point report shows that 27% said they were better off and under a third (31%) were worse off. 43% of consumers reported little or no difference to 2019. The overwhelming majority (94%) said they had made an online purchase in 2020, while 68% said they spent more online in 2020 than they did in 2019. In the previous survey, only 49% said they had spent more since the beginning of the Covid crisis. 46% of younger Millennials said they spent “significantly more” online in 2020 than 2019 compared to the 36% population average. Change of routine 47% Have shopped mostly on weekdays in the AM 28% have shopped mostly on weekdays in the PM 12% have shopped mostly on weekends in the AM 7% have shopped mostly on weekends in the PM Section 2 The Covid consumer The way Irish consumers spend online and in-store are changing. The speed of this change may be difficult for Irish SMEs to adapt to unless they focus on their competitive advantages over international retailers. 2021 2020 Consumer spending with Irish and international businesses since the pandemic began Irish International 51% 47% 49% 53% .IE Tipping Point 2021: Irish e-commerce and digital business in the Covid vaccine era | 4 Base: 710, consumers who say the time at which they shop in-store has changed since the pandemic
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