.ie Domain Profile Report 2023

Top categories 2023 The biggest increases were in Home & Garden, Internet & Telecom and People & Society. .ie domains with a content-rich website were analysed using Google Natural Language Processing classification. The analysis counts one domain per category, the most probable category. 16.6% 7.9% 5.8% 5.4% 4.5% 4.1% 3.8% 3.1% 3.6% 3% 3.5% 3% 3.3% 3% 2.8% Business & Industrial Home & Garden Arts & Entertainment Health Food & Drink Jobs & Education People & Society Shopping Internet & Telecom Law & Government Beauty & Fitness Hobbies & Leisure Autos & Vehicles Finance Travel % share of .ie websites 2023 Number of new .ie registrations with a fada 2023 Ú 106 Down from 127 in 2022 Market share of Ireland’s hosted domains, by top-level domain  .com 29.3%  .uk 7.3%  .eu 2.3%  .net 1.9%  .org 1.8%  Others 3.1% Source: HosterStats Dec 2023 Analysis of .ie domain ecosystem [continued] .ie Domain Profile Report 2023 | 11 .ie websites by content categorisation Other ecosystem facts E-commerce 11.43% have e-commerce functionality .ie 54.3% 88.57% do not have e-commerce functionality