.ie Domain Profile Report 2023

International 30,198 Top 3 international registrant countries Analysis of .ie domains by geography Registered .ie domains on the island of Ireland Island of Ireland 298,047 45,938 new .ie domains registered on the island of Ireland in 2023 +1.4% on 2022 2,751 new .ie domains registered internationally in 2023 -14.6% on 2022 There was a marginal drop of 0.44% in the number of .ie domains registered in the island of Ireland. Great Britain accounts for the majority of internationally registered .ie domains. However, new registrations from Great Britain decreased by a modest 2.5% year-on-year in 2023. Bulgaria registered the second-highest number of new .ie domains in 2023 (318), followed by the Germany (83) and France (69). Individuals or organisations that register a .ie domain from overseas either have business operations and customers in Ireland or can prove another type of professional or personal connection to Ireland. The registered owner is traceable, due to the pre-registration checks on corporate identity and connection to Ireland. 90% of .ie domains are registered on the island of Ireland. Ireland 293,133 Northern Ireland 4,914 new .ie domains .ie Domain Profile Report 2023 | 8 Great Britain 10,714 United States 5,150 Germany 2,618 Total number of internationally registered .ie domains