.IE Annual Report 2022

Purpose Our purpose is to enable and empower people, communities and businesses across Ireland to thrive online. Vision Our vision is that the .ie namespace is recognised worldwide as a resilient, secure and trusted domain, and that our organisation is recognised as a positive driving force in Ireland’s digital economy, enabling Ireland’s online community to thrive and prosper. Themes As a trusted, independent entity with a profit-for-good business philosophy, we have a convening authority which we can and should use to engage and empower people, communities and businesses across Ireland to thrive online. Our strategic priorities are formulated at a time of significant change in the global regulatory environment impacting cybersecurity and data protection, combined with dramatic commercial evolution of the domain name industry, which is experiencing global consolidation at the registry level and regional consolidation at the Registrar level. Strategic Priorities ▶ To protect the integrity, confidentiality, availability and reliability of the registry’s mission critical systems and processes. ▶ To grow the registration base, by generating new registration growth greater than our competitors and maximise .ie renewal rates. We will incentivise, grow and develop our channel partners and we will create demand for .ie with indirect marketing and content marketing through our programmes and publications. ▶ To create a centre of excellence in three areas; providing data metrics and data visualisation; providing online self-assessment security tools; and supporting undergraduate applied research on Internet-related topics. ▶ To develop a people-centered culture in a digital age – an inclusive working environment, where our people are fully engaged and where continuous personal and professional development is a strategic priority for all. Specifically, to develop, by 2024, new internal skill sets with an innovative mindset. Purpose and Strategic Priorities Purpose and Strategic Priorities .IE is the trading name of IE Domain Registry CLG / Annual Report & Review 2022 3