.IE Annual Report 2022

4. Operating profit 2022 2021 € € The operating profit is arrived at after charging: Amortisation 35,110 35,111 Depreciation 151,898 99,835 Auditors’ remuneration Audit 15,200 13,000 Tax advisory services 10,445 3,750 Directors’ remuneration 112,500 78,443 Pension costs 80,833 57,974 Operating lease charges 153,077 155,235 5. Remuneration 5(a) Directors’ and key management remuneration Included in employment costs are the following in respect of directors and key management personnel of the company: 2022 2021 € € Emoluments in respect of qualifying services 751,014 732,713 Company contributions in respect of qualifying services to Pension Scheme Fund, a defined contribution benefit retirement scheme 44,699 41,554 795,713 774,267 The number of management to whom retirement benefits are accruing under Pension Scheme Fund in respect of qualifying services is 4 (2021 – 4). Other than as shown above any further required disclosures in sections 305 and 306 of the Companies Act 2014 are €Nil for both financial years. 5(b) Transactions with directors and officers Loans to directors There were no loans made to directors during the financial year. 5(c) Material interests of directors in contracts with the company Nothing was outstanding at the financial year end date or the previous financial year end date. Financial Statements .IE is the trading name of IE Domain Registry CLG / Annual Report & Review 2022 41