.IE Annual Report 2022

Access to recent and accurate data is essential for government policymakers and stakeholder representative bodies. It is required to help them understand the digital transformation that took place during the pandemic and also to assist with decision making around resource allocation, development of programmes and supports needed for SMEs and citizens during this EU Digital Decade. Our research and insights reports are useful references when initiatives are being designed and implemented to help SMEs digitise their sales and business processes, so they remain competitive and resilient. In 2022 .IE commissioned and published 3 key reports – two editions of the .IE Domain Profile Report and the . IE Tipping Point Report . .IE Domain Profile Report The bi-annual .IE Domain Profile Report analyses the key trends and statistics in .ie domain registrations over time. The 2022 edition revealed the reputational strength of .ie. The report assessed the counties and countries of registered domain holders. It took a close look at what .IE does to keep the .ie domain safe and examined domain usage, keyword usage in new registrations, .ie website categorisation and .ie market share. These reports provide insights into digital adoption and digital intent at a county level as the findings illustrate a definite narrowing of the urban-rural digital divide. The Central Bank also recognises new .ie registrations as a forward economic indicator of economic health. Findings from the reports have been widely used by media outlets across the country. As we develop our internal data analytics capability, we look forward to sharing empirical data and insights which contribute to a finer understanding of the digital landscape, and which measure how Ireland is thriving online. .IE Tipping Point Report The .IE Tipping Point Report 2022: Irish e-commerce and digital business in the post-Covid era , assessed the attitudes and responses to the Covid-19 pandemic of 1,000 Irish consumers and 500 retail and consumer- facing professional services SMEs. This insightful research was the third and final part of a trilogy of research. Over the past two years, we examined Ireland’s changing attitudes to e-commerce and digital business. Covid accelerated many of the emerging consumer trends and behaviours that we observed in 2019, and that acceleration has forced businesses to adapt the way they operate, communicate and sell. Our research demonstrates that a tipping point has indeed been passed. This report shows that consumers have fully embraced the convenience of online shopping; in response, most SMEs have been forced to adapt, digitally and increasingly attitudinally, transforming their static brochure websites into online stores. Consumers in the post-Covid era will be driven by convenience, ease of use and experience. Just as many now value the flexibility of hybrid working, they also value hybrid shopping. Consumers enjoy the experience and the convenience of in-store shopping while simultaneously valuing the ease and speed of e-commerce. They will gravitate towards retailers that give them the best of both worlds. Encouragingly, SMEs are viewing their websites as dynamic sales enablers or points of sale, not just static information pages. 72% said their website was important in generating sales, up from 66% in 2021. Local and central Government supports and initiatives are required to encourage and assist SMEs financially. Sector-based organisations are well- placed to understand member’s needs and can assist Government in designing and rolling out initiatives Insights – research and reports Our focus is to deliver unique, valuable research with actionable insights to assist with evidence-based decision making by policymakers and stakeholder representative bodies. Business and Market Review Chart 2: Market share Of Ireland’s hosted domains, by top-level domain  .com 30%  .uk 7.4%  .eu 2.3%  .net 2%  .org 1.8%  Others 2.9% Source: HosterStats Dec 2022 .ie 53.6% +1 percentage point v Sept 2021 .IE is the trading name of IE Domain Registry CLG / Annual Report & Review 2022 21