IE Domain Registry t/a .IE

10(b). Shares in subsidiary undertakings The company holds 100% of the share capital of the following company: Country of Registration Shares held Principal Name of subsidiary or incorporation class Activity IENUM Limited Ireland Ordinary and Preference ENUM Registry IENUM Limited is an Irish registered company with a registered office at 4th Floor, Harbour Square, Dun Laoghaire, Co. Dublin. The aggregate amount of capital and reserves and the results of this undertaking for the year ended 31 December 2020 were as follows: Capital and Reserves Profit for the year € € IENUM Limited 50,100 Nil 11. Debtors: amounts falling due within one year 2020 2019 € € Prepayments and accrued income 191,544 214,634 191,544 214,634 12. Creditors: amounts falling due within one year Note 2020 2019 € € Trade creditors (a) 52,090 191,205 Customer deposit accounts 379,556 324,321 Other creditors 100,828 140,376 Corporation tax payable 37,729 7,691 Other taxes and social security costs 22,699 42,424 Accruals (b) 300,746 393,383 Deferred income (c) 2,795,123 2,506,577 3,688,771 3,605,977 Other taxes and social security costs include: € € VAT and PAYE 22,699 42,424 22,699 42,424 12(a).  The payment terms of trade creditors vary between on demand and ninety days. No interest is payable on trade creditors. Tax and social insurance are subject to the terms of the relevant legislation. Interest accrues on late payment at the rate of 0.0274% for each day or part of a day for which payment is overdue. No interest was due at the financial year end date. 12(b).  The terms of the accruals are based on the underlying contracts. Other amounts included within creditors not covered by specific note disclosures are unsecured, interest free and repayable on demand. 12(c).  The accounting policy for deferred income is outlined in Note 2.3. Financial Statements IE Domain Registry CLG t/a .IE / Annual Report & Review 2020 54 Notes to the Financial Statements (continued)